In July 2016, USG eCampus became the point of inquiry for the Go Back. Move Ahead. initiative. The GBMA survey was a project created to ensure that all past contacts of the program had received the assistance they needed. Over a period of two months, USG eCampus contacted 4,290 students who were in the previous database and 1,024 needed follow up. Of these, 445 said that they had already enrolled/ graduated. Another 957 expressed the need for assistance, and were liaised with program and institution information dependent on their educational pursuits. The remaining 2,800 prospective students in the database no longer needed the assistance of the program.

Phase 1 & 2

General Survey Response: 1,024/4290. 24% response rate


Chart by Visualizer

Phase 3: Call Out

Called 3,265 contacts. 296 responded with interest and needed more assistance.

Overall Results of Survey

445 people stated that they were currently enrolled/ graduated. 957 people stated they needed assistance with returning to school. 144 of those actively responded to our contact attempts and were referred to institutions.

144/957= 15% referral rate

Chart by Visualizer
Chart by Visualizer